Monday, June 20, 2011

OLAP Can Help You Serve Your Differnt Business Needs

OLAP is a very effective business tool. OLAP is now being used in every business house. This business tool is very effective in solving the complex problems of business houses. In every business house there are certain complex problems. These complex problems are solved by this effective software. This is very speedy software that can solve the problems very fast. This OLAP has is the modified version of OLTP. But OLAP is much advanced and effective than OLTP. The output of OLAP is presented in pivot format. Moreover the rows and the columns that are used in this OLAP are formed by measures. These measures are numeric facts.

OLAP is very useful. This is OLAP has been invented in recent times. The popularity and the use of OLAP are increasing at a very rapid rate. OLAP performs effective function. The functionality of OLAP mainly depends upon OLAP cubes like hyper cube, multi dimensional cube etc. the name OLAP was first given by father Edger F. Cod. OLAP performs many business related activities like business management, business processing, budgeting, forecasting etc. these are some of the business related functions that are performed by this effective software.

OLAP has been divided in certain parts. These are MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP etc. among them MOLAP and HOLAP are very popular and they are highly advanced and effective software. To know more about OLAP you can take the help of internet. From internet you can acquire some knowledge about the functioning of OLAP. Know more about OLAP Server .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

OLAP is business software

This OLAP is a business software tool that can solve the multi dimensional queries of the business houses. In every business house there are certain multidimensional queries. All these multidimensional queries can easily be solved with the help of this effective business tool that is called OLAP. This OLAP is a simplifying and interactive tool which is very much useful mainly for the business houses. In business houses there are certain complicated problems. These complicated problems can easily be solved with the help of this effective software.

OLAP has been developed in recent times. Previously it is known as the OLTP. Thus this OLAP is the modified version of OLTP. OLTP is not as effective as OLAP server. This server can easily solve the problems of the business houses. OLAP is much faster and more effective than OLTP. It is an interactive business tool. This software performs many business functions like business processing, business marketing, forecasting, budgeting etc. all these effective functions of the business houses are performed by this effective software. This software is very much useful software. The output of OLAP is presented in matrix and pivot fo0rmat. Moreover the function of OLAP mainly depends upon OLAP cubes such as hyper cube and multidimensional cube.

OLAP is categorized in certain categories. There are many types of OLAP such as MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP etc. among them MOLAP and HOLAP are very popular. These two are the popular forms of OLAP. These two forms are very effective and serve many functions. Know more about OLAP Server .