Tuesday, July 13, 2010

OLAP servers – Your tool for better decision making

Decision making and business growth go hand in hand, since without one, the other is incomplete, to say the least. However, with the increasing dependence on technology to provide the solutions to everyday problems, irrespective of how complicated they might be, the margin of error is slowly reducing, since computers always provide the most accurate information. However, the problem is not of accuracy alone, but of speed as well. And this is where OLAP servers come into play.

OLAP, or Online Analytical Processing, is a methodology to deliver quick access to gigantic amounts of data. Multidimensional data representations, or cubes, are used by OLAP servers to provide such flawless performance, which is often more valuable to organizations than some of their top-notch employees. The reason for this is the kind of analysis that can be derived from the usage of OLAP. Decision makers in particular find this system indispensible, as they are always required to get fast access to numerous different statistics, reports, or information in any other format, and OLAP makes that happen. OLAP systems are basically available in two architectures – Relational OLAP (ROLAP) and Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP). According to their requirements, organizations can implement either of the two to get faster and more accurate access and analysis of data.

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