Monday, August 2, 2010

OLAP Server: A Multi-Dimensional Data Structures Supporting Engine

Online Analytical Processing Server, also known as OLAP Server, is a kind of engine that primarily supports multi-dimensional data structures. These servers take the help of multi-dimensional data representations, also called as cubes, to provide the facility of access to data that is stored in data warehouses. The data warehouse has this data in the form of the dimension and fact tables which is arranged by these cubes in order to provide the client applications with high-end query and analysis features. These servers use the software which focuses at providing its users with real-time data analysis capabilities for that information which is stored in warehouses.

An OLAP server is a kind of separate component which includes indexing algorithms and tools to allow its users to experience the fast processing of data mining tasks as well as protecting their database performance. OLAP is really worth a lot to any business because it only helps in the analysis, but it also supports almost all decision making process. IT organizations are the best places where the usage of OLAP server is very common. These servers work in those IT organizations where problems that affect the systems are generally occurred. These systems should depend on accurate information on decision making that are related to number of domains and platforms.

OLAP Servers can be a suitable option for you if-

-You are involved in doing data analysis from the source like different business dimensions.
-You have a need to support high-end analysis for effective decision making.

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