Wednesday, September 29, 2010

OLAP-Technology software answering multi-dimensional analytical queries

Gone are the days when managing multi-dimensional data structure was really a hard nut to crack. However, now the task can be done with an ease using OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) software technology. OLAP systems have become a necessity of most leading IT organizations where workers generally have to make tactical and strategic decisions to keep the business flow in an efficient manner. These organizations, using this kind of software, provide their knowledge workers with adequate decision supporting systems that are really helpful in getting the essential corporate information. These systems help the workers to quickly, intuitively and flexibly manipulate operational data using familiar terms.

A user can use OLAP systems when he wants to:

• Support the complex analysis requirements of decision-makers
• Analyze the data from different business dimensions
• Handle complex analysis against large input data sets.

There are two major architectures named as the relational OLAP (ROLAP) and multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) on which these systems are based.

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