Wednesday, August 24, 2011

OLAP is a multidimensional business tool

Basically OLAP is a modified version of OLTP. Traditionally, the business houses mostly use OLTP business toll. But this toll is now not so much this is because OLAP is much faster and improved than OLTP. Today the business houses mostly use OLAP. This is very speedy and also at the same can solve the complex problem of the business houses within a short period of time. The rows and the columns which are used in this OLAP server were formed by measures. Moreover the output of OLAP is presented in matrix format. Mainly the output of OLAP depends upon the OLAP cubes. There are several types of OLAP cubes like multidimensional cube, hyper cube etc. on these cubes the function of OLAP mainly depends.

OLAP is a very useful business toll. This OLAP is not only used in solving the complex problems of the business houses but it is also performs some of the business activities like business management, business marketing, forecasting, budgeting etc. all these functions are the important functions of the business houses which is performed by this effective business tool. Moreover this tool is a very speedy tool that performs many types of business functions.

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