Saturday, October 15, 2011

An inevitable and useful tool is OLAP

OLAP is a very useful business tool. This business tool is used in solving the complex problems of the business houses. This tool is very effective. In every business house there are some complex business problems. These problems should be solved at the right time for the smooth functioning of the business houses. That is why this business tool is really very useful. But this effective tool not only solves the complex problems of the business houses but also at the same time performs many business functions like business processing, business marketing, forecasting, budgeting etc. these are all business related functions which are very much important in a business house and this business tool performs this function. Moreover this business tool is very fast. It can solve the complicated problems of the business houses within a second. It is very much effective and that is why it is called as true replica of speed.

The rows and the columns which are used in this business tool are formed by measures. These measures are nothing but numeric facts. This OLAP is the modified version of OLTP. OLTP is the older version and its speed is not as high as OLAP. The founder of this business tool is Sir Edger. F Cod. The output of it is presented in pivot or matrix format. The functionality of it mainly depends upon OLAP cubes. There are various types of cubes like multi dimensional cube, hyper cube etc. all these are the cubes on which the functionality of OLAP depends.

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