Tuesday, November 29, 2011

OLAP the ultimate solution for business problems

OLAP is a very useful business tool which is used in solving the business issues. In every business house there are certain complex issues which need to be solved at the right time for the smooth functioning of the business houses. For solving the business issues of the business houses this business tool is really very effective. This tool is very fast and that is why it is called as replica of speed. This tool can solved the issues of the business houses within a very short period of time. this business tool is not only used in solving the problems of the business houses but it is also used in performing many business related functions like business processing, business marketing, forecasting, budgeting etc. these are some of the important functions of the business houses which is performed by this tool. The rows and the columns used in this software is framed by measures. These measures are nothing but the numeric facts. This tool is the recent version or the new version of OLTP. OLTP is the older version and it is not as fast as OLAP. This tool is really very effective tool in business houses and corporate houses.

OLAP has been divided in certain parts like MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP etc. these are some of the parts which in solving the problems of the business houses. Among them MOLAP and HOLAP are mostly used by the business houses. To get more details about this business tool you can take the help of internet.

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